
Furnace Rooms is a great place to retreat to from the capital. Just over an hour from London by train or car, it makes it a very affordable alternative for artists to record in inspiring surroundings without compromising on quality. The recording spaces offer a variety of acoustics from the airy barn-like style of the live room, to a fully controlled ‘dead’ sounding recording booth. There is a terrific arsenal of microphones to cover any instrument or recording situation, allowing you the freedom to experiment to get the sound right at source.

The studio covers approximately 800sqm that is divided between four spaces: a live room (8.5m x 4.8m) with vaulted ceilings, a custom-built soundproofed iso booth for amping and vocals (3.0m x 2.6m), a spacious control room (6.9m x 4.2), and a lobby and kitchen area.

The Trident 68 series console pre amps have a big sound and retain a generous amount of headroom characteristics with low noise. With its high gain, the console is fully capable of driving ribbon mics, without the need of additional gain boosts such as the cloudlifter. The desk EQs are musical and bring that big Trident character sound that they are so well known for.

The live room features a Pearl five-piece drum kit, Barratt & Robinson upright piano, a Hammond Tonewheel T-100 series with built in Leslie speaker, as well as a Yamaha digital piano and chord organ. There is also a Fender Deluxe Hotrod III (Eminence speaker), and a Fender Rumble 200 bass cabinet. We have a large collection of new and vintage guitar pedals available as well as Korg Vocla beats sequencers, and midi sampling pads like the Roland SPD-SX.

The studio contains a superb collection of microphones including: Neumann, AKG, Sennheiser, Telefunken, Golden Age ribbons, Sontronics, and many more. All of this is recorded through a Pro Tools 12 rig and Mac Pro computer with 24 channels of Universal Audio Apollo converters.

The lobby area can also be used as an additional space if needed for larger setups to act as an isolation booth.